Anthem, CVS Health sign 5-year deal for a new PBM dealing a blow to Express Scripts

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Three years ago I published a white paper titled, Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Benefit Managment of a Self-Insured Employer’s Employee Prescription Drug Plan. In it I discussed how employers should take more control over how their pharmacy benefit is managed. Specifically, one recommendation I made was to start your own PBM or form a strategic alliance. Anthem did both! I’m not writing today to brag or boast…well maybe a little. More important, I want to shake things up a bit to effect change.

Anthem and Express Scripts have been at odds for some time. As a result, Anthem decided to start its own pharmacy benefits manager to replace its contract with Express Scripts. Anthem and CVS Health have signed a five-year agreement to launch IngenioRx. CVS will provide prescription fulfillment and claims processing services, as well as expertise in point-of-sale engagement, such as member messaging and Minute Clinic. It will begin offering PBM services starting Jan. 1, 2020, coinciding with the end of Anthem’s current contract with Express Scripts.

What am I getting at? Anthem decided to start its own PBM but maybe for your organization the best option is to start smaller. Carve-out the specialty drug benefit or formulary management, for example. Health insurance is the third largest expense on the P&L with prescription drugs accounting for a larger share of those dollars than outpatient and inpatient hospital costs. The point is to simply take more control and don’t give TPAs or PBMs free reign over your drug benefit. For the record, a few formulary modifications or increasing employee cost share doesn’t count as taking control.

Usual complaints notwithstanding, the pharmacy benefit deserves much more attention than its getting. The smart companies are getting better educated and then taking action to control drug costs without negatively impacting healthcare outcomes. What are you doing different, really?

Reference Pricing: “Gross” Invoice Cost for Popular Generic and Brand Prescription Drugs (Volume 189)

This document is updated weekly, but why is it important?  Healthcare marketers are aggressively pursuing new revenue streams to augment lower reimbursements provided under PPACA. Prescription drugs, particularly specialty, are key drivers in the growth strategies of PBMs, TPAs and MCOs pursuant to health care reform. 

The costs shared here are what the pharmacy actually pays; not AWP, MAC or WAC. The bottom line; payers must have access to actual acquisition costs or AAC. Apply this knowledge to hold PBMs accountable and lower plan expenditures for stakeholders.

How to Determine if Your Company [or Client] is Overpaying

Step #1:  Obtain a price list for generic prescription drugs from your broker, TPA, ASO or PBM every month.

Step #2:  In addition, request an electronic copy of all your prescription transactions (claims) for the billing cycle which coincides with the date of your price list.

Step #3:  Compare approximately 10 to 20 prescription claims against the price list to confirm contract agreement.  It’s impractical to verify all claims, but 10 is a sample size large enough to extract some good assumptions.

Step #4:  Now take it one step further. Check what your organization has paid, for prescription drugs, against our acquisition costs then determine if a problem exists. When there is a 5% or more price differential (paid versus actual cost) we consider this a problem.

Multiple price differential discoveries means that your organization or client is likely overpaying. REPEAT these steps once per month.

— Tip —
Always include a semi-annual market check in your PBM contract language. Market checks provide each payer the ability, during the contract, to determine if better pricing is available in the marketplace compared to what the client is currently receiving.

When better pricing is discovered the contract language should stipulate the client be indemnified. Do not allow the PBM to limit the market check language to a similar size client, benefit design and/or drug utilization. In this case, the market check language is effectually meaningless.

Formulary Management: Don’t Allow the Fox to Guard the Henhouse

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A formulary agent may be restricted or unrestricted, with restrictions defined by indication, service, or specialty group (eg, infectious disease); medical staff hierarchy (eg, attending only), or patient population (eg, cystic fibrosis, pediatric). Off-criteria uses of formulary agents constitute a nonformulary use. Ideally, medication utilization evaluations should be conducted on a regular basis to assess compliance with formulary restrictions.

When multiple agents within a therapeutic category are available on the market (such as low-molecular weight heparins or histamine-2 receptor antagonists), drug class reviews are often conducted in an attempt to declare therapeutic equivalence and maintain only 1 preferred agent on the formulary. An increasing number of medications within a therapeutic category can lead to greater price variation among the medications, which creates potential for significant cost savings through declaring agents therapeutically equivalent and allowing them to be interchanged.

In addition to cost savings, patient safety is enhanced by minimizing look-alike sound-alike medications through streamlined inventory and the medication reconciliation process. Minimizing the number of agents available on a formulary also improves staff competency and knowledge about specific medications. Selecting an agent for inclusion in a formulary requires numerous operational considerations:

  • With respect to purchasing, it is important to determine if a drug is supplied by the organization’s pharmaceutical distributors or if it is a specialty/limited-distribution drug requiring direct shipment. Not all pharmaceutical wholesalers are able to supply the drug product, particularly high-cost specialty medications. Since most pharmacy departments purchase products from wholesalers at a cost minus discount, the pharmacy will be charged a higher price if the drug being reviewed comes from another source, potentially resulting in a significant increase in drug expenditures due to the loss of the cost-minus discount. Manufacturers can switch between different distribution strategies to best fit the needs of patients and providers as the marketplace changes.


Reference Pricing: “Gross” Invoice Cost for Popular Generic and Brand Prescription Drugs (Volume 188)

This document is updated weekly, but why is it important?  Healthcare marketers are aggressively pursuing new revenue streams to augment lower reimbursements provided under PPACA. Prescription drugs, particularly specialty, are key drivers in the growth strategies of PBMs, TPAs and MCOs pursuant to health care reform. 

The costs shared here are what the pharmacy actually pays; not AWP, MAC or WAC. The bottom line; payers must have access to actual acquisition costs or AAC. Apply this knowledge to hold PBMs accountable and lower plan expenditures for stakeholders.

How to Determine if Your Company [or Client] is Overpaying

Step #1:  Obtain a price list for generic prescription drugs from your broker, TPA, ASO or PBM every month.

Step #2:  In addition, request an electronic copy of all your prescription transactions (claims) for the billing cycle which coincides with the date of your price list.

Step #3:  Compare approximately 10 to 20 prescription claims against the price list to confirm contract agreement.  It’s impractical to verify all claims, but 10 is a sample size large enough to extract some good assumptions.

Step #4:  Now take it one step further. Check what your organization has paid, for prescription drugs, against our acquisition costs then determine if a problem exists. When there is a 5% or more price differential (paid versus actual cost) we consider this a problem.

Multiple price differential discoveries means that your organization or client is likely overpaying. REPEAT these steps once per month.

— Tip —
Always include a semi-annual market check in your PBM contract language. Market checks provide each payer the ability, during the contract, to determine if better pricing is available in the marketplace compared to what the client is currently receiving.

When better pricing is discovered the contract language should stipulate the client be indemnified. Do not allow the PBM to limit the market check language to a similar size client, benefit design and/or drug utilization. In this case, the market check language is effectually meaningless.

“Don’t Miss” Webinar: How to Slash PBM Service Costs, up to 50%, Without Changing Vendors or Benefit Levels

How many businesses do you know want to cut their revenues in half? That’s why traditional pharmacy benefit managers don’t offer a fiduciary standard and instead opt for hidden cash flow opportunities such as rebate masking. Want to learn more?

Here is what some participants have said about the webinar.

“Thank you Tyrone. Nice job, good information.” David Stoots, AVP
“Thank you! Awesome presentation.” Mallory Nelson, PharmD
“Thank you Tyrone for this informative meeting.” David Wachtel, VP

“…Great presentation! I had our two partners on the presentation as well. Very informative.” Nolan Waterfall, Agent/Benefits Specialist

A snapshot of what you will learn during this 30 minute webinar:

    • Hidden cash flows in the PBM Industry such as formulary steering, rebate masking and differential pricing
    • How to calculate cost of pharmacy benefit manager services or CPBMS
    • Specialty pharmacy cost-containment strategies
    • The financial impact of actual acquisition cost (AAC) vs. effective acquisition cost (EAC)
Recertification Credit Hours: 2
  • Why mail-order and preferred pharmacy networks may not be the great deal you were sold
Tyrone D. Squires, MBA  
3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Suite 500  
Las Vegas, NV 89169  
866-499-1940 Ext. 201

P.S.  Yes, it’s recorded. I know you’re busy … so register now and we’ll send you the link to the session recording as soon as it’s ready.

Reference Pricing: “Gross” Invoice Cost for Popular Generic and Brand Prescription Drugs (Volume 187)

This document is updated weekly, but why is it important?  Healthcare marketers are aggressively pursuing new revenue streams to augment lower reimbursements provided under PPACA. Prescription drugs, particularly specialty, are key drivers in the growth strategies of PBMs, TPAs and MCOs pursuant to health care reform. 

The costs shared here are what the pharmacy actually pays; not AWP, MAC or WAC. The bottom line; payers must have access to actual acquisition costs or AAC. Apply this knowledge to hold PBMs accountable and lower plan expenditures for stakeholders.

How to Determine if Your Company [or Client] is Overpaying

Step #1:  Obtain a price list for generic prescription drugs from your broker, TPA, ASO or PBM every month.

Step #2:  In addition, request an electronic copy of all your prescription transactions (claims) for the billing cycle which coincides with the date of your price list.

Step #3:  Compare approximately 10 to 20 prescription claims against the price list to confirm contract agreement.  It’s impractical to verify all claims, but 10 is a sample size large enough to extract some good assumptions.

Step #4:  Now take it one step further. Check what your organization has paid, for prescription drugs, against our acquisition costs then determine if a problem exists. When there is a 5% or more price differential (paid versus actual cost) we consider this a problem.

Multiple price differential discoveries means that your organization or client is likely overpaying. REPEAT these steps once per month.

— Tip —
Always include a semi-annual market check in your PBM contract language. Market checks provide each payer the ability, during the contract, to determine if better pricing is available in the marketplace compared to what the client is currently receiving.

When better pricing is discovered the contract language should stipulate the client be indemnified. Do not allow the PBM to limit the market check language to a similar size client, benefit design and/or drug utilization. In this case, the market check language is effectually meaningless.

Hospital Impact—Pharmacy benefit managers are a lot like car dealers

Any time you try to buy a car, the same question is considered: Am I getting the best price? Sure, price tags are displayed on freshly waxed cars, but it’s always possible to talk the salesman down. The system for car purchases—where Americans buy cars from dealerships instead of directly from the companies making them—makes it hard to know how much it actually costs to make a car, so it’s hard to know you’re getting the best price.

Click here to learn more

The same system applies to buying lifesaving prescriptions. Drug manufacturers set a list price, but consumers rarely pay that, and how much drugs should really cost is uncertain. That’s because of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), large corporations wielding enormous power over which drugs you get. Just three big PBMs control nearly 80% of the market, using their size and influence to negotiate drug prices with manufacturers. However, big PBMs have mixed incentives around containing drug costs and managing premium costs, while maximizing profits from their own in-house pharmacies.

Tyrone’s comment: While I agree with the premise of this article’s title, there is one small yet very important distinction that must be made. That distinction is “non-fiduciary” pharmacy benefit managers are a lot like car dealers. Moreover, how do we classify those trusted advisors who steer their clients to these car dealers or non-fiduciary pharmacy benefit managers without first having won radical transparency? PBMs are not created equally with some volunteering radical transparency and others much less so. Be sure to do your [plan sponsors] homework which requires going far beyond simple spreadsheet analysis and 25 page RFPs. Who is watching the watchers?

In the past few years, PBMs have ramped up their mail-order and specialty pharmacies to lock down profits and exclude independent pharmacies. Increasingly, they’re exploiting a Medicare provision allowing them to charge “direct and indirect remuneration fees” to pharmacies within their network. They’re ratcheting up the use of these fees—ostensibly part of Medicare reimbursement—to price out competition: local independent pharmacies, where pharmacists have personal relationships with patients and partner with referring providers to support patient care.

[Read more]

Impact of Biosimilar Approvals on the Pharmaceutical Market

Biosimilars are an emerging area in the specialty pharmacy community and beyond. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to feel outside pressure from costly drugs, strategies to reduce health care spend are being sought.

Although biologics account for less than 1% of all dispensed prescription drugs in the United States, it accounts for one-fourth of all prescription spending. Concern surrounding high price tags of biologics continues to rise, and biosimilars offer the potential to provide patients with less costly alternatives.

Table1: some of the trials being conducted on biosimilars

In an interview with Specialty Pharmacy Times, Yogesh Soneji, a partner at Trinity Partners, discusses the future of pharmacy and the effect of biosimilar approvals.

SPT: What impact can biosimilar approvals have on the pharmaceutical marketplace?
Soneji: I think these are exciting times. It’s almost a new era for the industry in general, [with] the launch of recent biosimilars and some uncertainty around what happens in the near term. TABLE 1 lists some of the trials being conducted on biosimilars, and if successfully completed, these products may become available in the near future.

When you think about the marketplace there are so many different players. A way I think about this is there are going to be 2 camps: the brand to whom a biosimilar is being launched against and then the biosimilars themselves. The impact is going to be different depending on what side of the fence you are on.

For the branded companies that have biologics today, it’s going to be a little more uncertain in the near term of what happens, because besides the upcoming launch timing of biosimilars, they also have to have to guess what the pricing (of biosimilars) is going to be, what the biosimilars will discount their drugs at, and there is going to be some uncertainty, at least in the near term, on how to mitigate that. On the other hand, for the companies that are actually launching these biosimilars, that represents a whole world of opportunities.

SPT: How will biosimilars affect future drug prices?
Soneji: Only time will tell, but if you even see what is going on recently, you have biologics with different price points, with one in the 15% discount list price and another over 30% discounted list price. I think it’s already been mentioned that the branded players, like Remicade, have been more aggressive on contracting on their own drug and getting better contracting in order to safeguard their business in the near term. I think there is no doubt that we will see prices go down and spiral, but the question isn’t about whether they will or not. I think the question is how fast and what that path looks like. If it’s going to happen very quickly or if it’s going to happen in a steadier manner over time.

I do think in the long run, biosimilars will drive down prices. One key aspect with pricing that’s a little more complicated in the drug industry, as you might have seen, is it is not very transparent about what the price of the drug is.

We see list prices mentioned regularly in press releases about Inflectra and what their list price is compared to the list price of Remicade. But I think the key here is for us to keep an eye out for not just the list price, but what is the net price, which takes into account the rebates and discounts which can be negotiated on a payer basis, and what happens to those and what path those take. Because that is what drives decisions, especially from the payer side. Which drugs they put on formulary, which drugs they prefer to use at the end of the day, what really matters with pricing is net price that payers have to pay including contracts/rebates and discounts.


Reference Pricing: “Gross” Invoice Cost for Popular Generic and Brand Prescription Drugs (Volume 186)

This document is updated weekly, but why is it important?  Healthcare marketers are aggressively pursuing new revenue streams to augment lower reimbursements provided under PPACA. Prescription drugs, particularly specialty, are key drivers in the growth strategies of PBMs, TPAs and MCOs pursuant to health care reform. 

The costs shared here are what the pharmacy actually pays; not AWP, MAC or WAC. The bottom line; payers must have access to actual acquisition costs or AAC. Apply this knowledge to hold PBMs accountable and lower plan expenditures for stakeholders.

How to Determine if Your Company [or Client] is Overpaying

Step #1:  Obtain a price list for generic prescription drugs from your broker, TPA, ASO or PBM every month.

Step #2:  In addition, request an electronic copy of all your prescription transactions (claims) for the billing cycle which coincides with the date of your price list.

Step #3:  Compare approximately 10 to 20 prescription claims against the price list to confirm contract agreement.  It’s impractical to verify all claims, but 10 is a sample size large enough to extract some good assumptions.

Step #4:  Now take it one step further. Check what your organization has paid, for prescription drugs, against our acquisition costs then determine if a problem exists. When there is a 5% or more price differential (paid versus actual cost) we consider this a problem.

Multiple price differential discoveries means that your organization or client is likely overpaying. REPEAT these steps once per month.

— Tip —
Always include a semi-annual market check in your PBM contract language. Market checks provide each payer the ability, during the contract, to determine if better pricing is available in the marketplace compared to what the client is currently receiving.

When better pricing is discovered the contract language should stipulate the client be indemnified. Do not allow the PBM to limit the market check language to a similar size client, benefit design and/or drug utilization. In this case, the market check language is effectually meaningless.