The Employer's Guide Blog for Overseeing PBMs

The Definition of Oversee: to watch over and direct (an undertaking, a group of workers, etc.) in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome or performance.

How ERISA Fiduciary Responsibility Sets CAA-Compliant PBMs Apart

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) has ushered in a new era of transparency and accountability in the healthcare industry. For Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), navigating these regulations can be daunting. One aspect stands out as a beacon of compliance and trustworthiness: the ERISA fiduciary responsibility which sets CAA-Compliant PBMs apart.

ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) mandates that fiduciaries act solely in the interest of plan participants and beneficiaries. This means making decisions with the utmost care, skill, prudence, and diligence. For PBMs, embracing ERISA fiduciary responsibility signifies a commitment to transparency, fairness, and prioritizing the client’s best interests.

Why ERISA Fiduciary Responsibility Matters

Transparency in Pricing and Rebates: A pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) with ERISA fiduciary responsibility ensures transparent pricing models. This includes clear disclosure of all fees, rebates, and any potential conflicts of interest. CHROs and CFOs can rest assured that there are no hidden costs, leading to more predictable budgeting and financial planning.

Alignment with Client Interests: ERISA fiduciary duty requires PBMs to align their practices with the interests of their clients. This alignment reduces the likelihood of exploitative practices, such as spread pricing or rebate pumping, which can inflate costs without providing added value to the employer or plan members.

Improved Patient Outcomes: When PBMs operate under ERISA fiduciary standards, their focus shifts to improving patient outcomes. This means implementing strategies that enhance medication adherence, optimize therapeutic regimens, and ultimately lead to healthier employees. Healthier employees translate to reduced absenteeism and increased productivity, benefiting the organization as a whole.

The Hallmark of a CAA-Compliant PBM

  1. Rigorous Compliance and Auditing: CAA-compliant PBMs adhere to rigorous compliance and auditing standards. This ensures that all processes, from claims processing to rebate management, are conducted with utmost integrity. For CHROs and CFOs, this translates to reduced risk of non-compliance penalties and improved trust in their PBM partner.
  1. Enhanced Data Transparency: Data transparency is a cornerstone of CAA compliance. PBMs with ERISA fiduciary responsibility provide detailed reporting and analytics, offering insights into drug utilization, cost drivers, and areas for improvement. This empowers CHROs and CFOs to make informed decisions regarding their pharmacy benefit plans.
  1. Ethical Business Practices: ERISA fiduciary responsibility enforces ethical business practices. This means that PBMs must act in the best interest of their clients, avoiding any form of self-dealing or profiteering. For organizations, this translates to a partnership based on trust, integrity, and mutual benefit.

Choosing the Right PBM Partner

Selecting a PBM with a proven track record of ERISA fiduciary responsibility is crucial for compliance and overall plan success. Look for PBMs with extensive experience in managing pharmacy benefits for large organizations. Ensure they offer transparent contracting with no hidden fees or ambiguous terms. Lastly, choose a PBM that is committed to improving patient outcomes through innovative strategies and personalized care programs.


In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of PBMs has never been more critical. For CHROs and CFOs, partnering with a CAA-compliant PBM that upholds ERISA fiduciary responsibility is the single hallmark of a successful pharmacy benefit plan. By prioritizing transparency, aligning with client interests, and focusing on improved patient outcomes, these PBMs not only comply with regulatory standards but also drive value for organizations and their employees.

Adopting a fiduciary model sets the stage for a healthier, more transparent, and cost-effective pharmacy benefit plan. As you evaluate your PBM options, remember that the single hallmark of compliance and trust lies in ERISA fiduciary responsibility. Choose wisely, and your organization will reap the benefits of a truly accountable and client-focused PBM partner.

Tyrone Squires, MBA, CPBS

I am the proud founder and managing director of TransparentRx, a fiduciary-model PBM based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We help health plan sponsors reduce pharmacy spend, by as much as 50%, without cutting benefits or shifting costs to employees.

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